Tahia Halim

Tahia Halim (b. 1919, Aswan, Egypt) has been a professional artist since the 1930s making painting her full-time career. Her works are simple & poetic. She is skillful in her mixture of colors and their distribution, creating touches of intensity and boldness in her artworks. Al Masar gallery has exhibited the artworks of Halim in its previous exhibition titled “Nostalgia” in October 2008. Halim has exhibited both collectively and individually since 1942. Some of the most notable collectives were the 1952 and 1960 Venice Biennales, and biennales in Sao Paolo, Brazil, Alexandria and Egypt. The Guggenheim Museum in New York acquired Halim’s painting “Hanan” (Compassion) for which she won the 1958 prize, as well as others of her paintings. Her work is also in Egyptian Modern Art Museum in Cairo, the Fine Arts Museum in Alexandria, the Modern Art Museum in Stockholm and in embassies and private collections worldwide.