Gihan Suleiman was born in Kuwait, in 1966. She studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts – Painting Department – Alexandria University, 1983/1988, and pursued advanced studies in Fine Arts earning a Master Degree in “Color as an expressive value in modern painting.”, 1994. Gihan Suleiman also has done PhD in “Nature in the Contemporary Painting”. She was selected for Honoree prize in 5th Cairo International Biennale 1994. Her work has been featured in private and international exhibitions in Cairo, Alexandria, Rome, Nairobi, Paris, Abu Dhabi, Yemen and Riyadh. She currently works as Teacher and Lecturer at Painting Department, Faculty of Fine Arts. Cairo, Egypt. Gihan Suleiman said:
“The change in our restless age is the only constant feature. Paradoxically it has come to be a continuum. Thus I found myself among a generation as if we are in a flood of a real change of art criteria and terminology… Living in a chaos once more …a chaos containing a plethora of destructionalism, revolts against forms and traditional nomenclatures, a chaos abundant with amorphous figures and beings.
There is no time to deal with esthetic forms, academic patterns, professionalism and experimentalism in geometrical space. A horrible chaos, unique circumstances of shapelessness are imposing their existence upon our time… The universe seems to rethink about its own form, aspired to a post chaotic era.”