RESSURECTION | ( عودة الروح ) | SALAH ENANI | ( صلاح عناني )

8 May – 5 June 2016

… Eighth Anniversary …

In the occasion of Al Masar Gallery’s Eighth anniversary, Al Masar Gallery is proud to present ‘ Resurrection ‘ by Eminent Artist Salah Enani

who has joined Al Masar Gallery. This Exhibition Marks the Artist’s return to the Art scene after sixteen years.

Eight years have passed, and Al Masar Gallery for Contemporary Art was blessed with success of its exhibitions at the galley and outside Egypt featuring some of the pioneers of the first, second & third generation landmark late artists whom we represent, today’s Elite stars of the Art movement and the talented artists of today & stars of tomorrow. Al Masar Gallery’s endeavor was also accomplished with gratitude to the successful cooperation with Al Masar’s fine Artists, and international major auctions abroad.  Al Masar Gallery does not only owe thanks to Al Masar’s cutting Edge Egyptian artists, but also to the distinguished Egyptian and foreign art collectors, art lovers, art critics, and the honorable  Egyptian Press who have never failed to show their support.

Resurrection… the idea that old Egyptians had believed, then turned into a faith for everyone, which created a meaning to their being and continuity, and furthermore, a meaning to the eternal blending between the body and its soul, but also to the relation between the soul which departed the body, then the re-emerged, thus led to their belief in Eternity. I see that the complete moral perspective on this theory and believe settled as new meaning to their life at that time. That’s why we all need a new resurrection of mind and soul, reforming our inner selves, and our threatened older humanitarian aspects, and such means, we need to resurrect ourselves into a newer selfs, that none of us has ever experienced before.

Expressionism… That’s the main idea that all different art schools and directions has constantly searched for. Rudolf Arnheim’, The renowned writer and psychologist said; expressionism is the first content of awareness, which means that the human-being can’t analyze the artistic aspects of a work of art for example, without knowing the expressionism aspects of it visual wording. As well as eminent thinker John Dewey who once said; expressionism is the primary human behavior which lives within our souls.

Sometimes I ask myself…Why do I paint, sculpt and exhibit my works afterwards ?

I always find the answer to that is simply a resurrection of my being , just like the old Egyptian artists. The anatomy, features and impressions of the heroes at my paintings are all inspired by the actual life in Egypt, which led my art to what seems to be eccentric anatomic forms and vibrant impressions and colors, evolving my art’s ultimate Edge of expressionism.

Salah Enani (B. 1955) … in 1977, Enani Graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Cairo, where he worked as an art teacher, & an Artist at Ros Al Youssef and sabah el khear Magazines for more than ten years, also was chosen to be the director of ‘Al Ghouri Palace for Egyptian heritage’ and the Dervish dancers troup from 1988 to 1996. Salah Enani is currently living and working as an Art professor at the Faculty of Art, Cairo.

” For more information on this Exhibition, kindly contact Al Masar Gallery “