OMAR EL NAGDI | Impulsive Expressionism II | 10 March – 19 April 2013 | Solo Exhibition

AL MASAR GALLERY | Contemporary Art

10 March – 19 April 2013

“Implusive Expressionism II” is a solo exhibition by Omar El Nagdi, one of the most important contemporary Egyptian artists. The exhibition showcases the artist’s most recent works as well as a number of his older works. The exhibition showcases paintings expressing the artist’s impulsive reaction to themes he has stored in his subconscious, themes that excited him and stirred his emotions enough to surface to his conscious through striking masterpieces. El Nagdi’s pictorial vocabulary is rooted in his home country’s politics and in the lives led by Cairo citizens. He obtains such profuse imagery by combining poetry with elements inherited from 20th century artistic trends namely Expressionism, Cubism and Fauvism.  The paintings in this exhibition fuse different sources of inspiration. El Nagdi depicts the jovial and opulent festivities of Egyptian traditions in many of his paintings. Bright colors highlighted by gold leaf in some areas burst out from some of his paintings. The dynamism rendered through the complex composition of figures and decorative patterns echo the lavish festivities & social traditions. El Nagdi through his paintings grasps the liveliness of Egyptian social traditional scenes.

Impulsive Expressionism II | Artist Statement

It is the impulsive expression that distinguishes between rational certainty and conscious tangible creativity which falls within the scope of realistic Western schools affiliated to principal Western civilizations  manifested in the Greco Roman civilization, and Eastern civilizations which belong to schools of symbolism & timelessness down to absolute abstraction.

Here we should say that the certainty of the unconscious once surfaced with its abundant emotions is nothing but an expression of the most accurate, absolute and sincere emotions that holds sincere and pure spiritual strongholds in the consciousness of the artist who first receives the unexpected shock of the spark of inspiration and translates it into an artwork while going through a significant spiritual and emotional journey of creativity.

That unexpected spark of inspiration moves into a state of dormancy and then grows into an artwork that reveals a reservoir of secrets. This confirms the artist’s moment of astonishment upon getting inspired which is an unconscious stage that manifests in a sincere work of art that speaks of his own path of identity from the moment the spark of inspiration hits him to the moment he falls back from the unconscious to the reality and that’s how an equilibrium is formed in an innovative creation of an artwork.

Omar El Nagdi, 2013

تعبيرية اللحضات | كلمة الفنان

تعبيرية اللحضات : هي تعبيرية اللحضات الفارقة بين اليقين العاقل والواعي للابداع الملموس , والذي يدخل في نطاق واقعية المدارس الغربية منتسباً الي أم الحضارات بها و هي الحضارة الأغريقية , بينما حضارات الشرق تنتمي للمدارس الرمزية واللازمنية ,  و وصولاً الي التجريدية المطلقة.

وهنا ينبغي علينا القول بأن يقين الا وعي المدرك بأفئدته ومشاعره الفياضة ما هو الا تعبير لأدق الأحاسيس المطلقة والصادقة لما تحتويه من معاقل روحية خالصة في وجدان الفنان الذي استقبل الصدمة البار قة ليترجمها لعواطف الا وعي  و إدراك ناتج عن حدث ما غير متوقع يأخذ  منه ما بظاهره بعد أن ينطبع في دلالته حدث أخر.

إن مشاهد هذا الحدث ينتقل لحاله من السكون ,ثم سرعان ما تتفتح له أسرار مخزونه الغيبي مؤكدة على لحظة أندهاشه ,تلك اللحظة التي ما هي إلا مرحلة الا وعي الذي يعيش بها الفنان لحظة خلاص وجدانه بصدق الأداء في عمل فني، يخاطب فيه مسار هويته لحظة هذا البرق. و عندما يرتد الا وعي الي واقعه , عندئذ  يحدث أتزان لقطباهما في ولادة جديدة مبتكرة.
عمر النجدي , ٢٠١٣

The exhibition “Impulsive Expressionism II” will continue through April 19, 2013

Click here to view artist’s biography.

To view complete collection featured at the exhibition, please contact AL MASAR Gallery .